Only on the last case, the transfer of equity is exempt from tax. 对后一种情况,在转让股权时应免缴营业税。
Income from operation of aircraft in international traffic earned by a Hong Kong resident in Thailand will be exempt from Thai income tax. 香港居民在泰国营运航空器从事国际运输而赚取的收入,会获豁免缴付泰国入息税。
Circular on Issuing the Second List of Items for the Collection of Fees ( funds) Exempt From Business Tax 关于下发不征收营业税的收费(基金)项目名单(第二批)的通知
Be exempt from customs duties, value-added tax and consumption tax 免征关税、增值税和消费税未获免税之开支费用
Tax official: are you American? good. let us determine the dividends from your company. you know, the dividends obtained by foreigner is exempt from the tax. 税务局:您是美国人?好,先确定股息部分。外籍人员从外资企业取得的股息收入是免税的。
But both the Eurasia Foundation and WWF said even NGOs left off the list could escape the worst impact of the change since charitable donations, as opposed to grants, were exempt from tax. 但欧亚基金会和世界自然基金会都表示,即便是那些未被列入名单的NGO也不会因这项改革蒙受最严重打击,因为和赠与不同,慈善捐款可以免税。
Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax. 差不多所有的学生都会获得豁免此税项。
This includes salary and wages that are exempt from income tax under specific international agreements in New Zealand. 这个包括薪金以及工资收入免税是在新西兰国际协定合约。
The Inland Revenue Department yesterday declared that all contributors to the appeal will be exempt from paying tax in Hong Kong on their donations. 税务局昨日宣布所有捐款可在香港作扣税用。
The owners of these cars would have seen their values soar in the years immediately before they were sold, but the fact that they are "mechanically propelled road vehicles" makes them exempt from capital gains tax another reason that classics are attracting investment money. 这些汽车的所有者在出手前几年也许看到了其价值的飙升,但由于这些汽车是“机械动力的道路交通工具”,因此他们可以免交资本利得税这是老爷车吸引投资资金的另一个原因。
The remaining imported goods shall all be exempt from consolidated industrial and commercial tax. 其余的进口货物,都免征工商统一税。
Foreign invested enterprises in the Dalian region shall be exempt from local income tax for seven years after they begin to generate profits. 大连地区的外商投资企业,均享受自获利年度起免征七年地方所得税的优惠政策。
This booklet includes information on whether a mainland resident who derives income from employment in Hong Kong is subject to or exempt from salaries tax. 本册子资料,包括内地居民在香港工作所得的入息须缴薪俸税或是可免缴薪俸税。
Zhu: Industrialists and business people in cities have to pay taxes. Farmers and herdsman are exempt from tax payment, and this policy has been followed since 1980. 朱:城市工商业者交税,农牧民不交税,这项政策从1980年一直延续到今天。
The self-produced rough diamonds sold by a domestic diamond exploitation enterprise via Shanghai Diamond Exchange shall be exempt from value-added tax; 对国内钻石开采企业通过上海钻石交易所销售的自产毛坯钻石实行免征增值税政策;
Lower income tax may not have much effect: Many Chinese people have been exempt from income tax, while others evade tax idea. 下调所得税可能不会有太多效果:许多中国人已经免除了所得税,而其他人则想法逃避纳税。
To help multinational companies, he announced he would exempt foreign dividends from corporation tax. 为帮助跨国公司,达林宣布,将从公司税中免去外国股息。
Be exempt from local income tax for the time Being 暂免征收地方所得税
The selling of ordinary dwelling houses purchased by individuals is exempt from business tax on condition the purchasers have lived in the houses for more than a year. 对个人购买并居住超过一年的普通住宅,销售时免征营业税;
Be exempt from enterprise income tax for the first two profit-making years 从获利年起,第一、第二年免征企业所得税
Husbands and wives are exempt from the tax on each other's estate; and, since the civil partnership act2004, so are same sex couples. 丈夫和妻子继承对方的不动产时免予征税;自从2004年《民事合伙关系法案》实施以后,同性夫妻适用同样的条款。
To attract more investors and offshore funds to Hong kong, measures have been taken to abolish estate duty and exempt offshore funds from profits tax. 取消遗产税和豁免离岸基金缴交利得税,就是吸引投资者和离岸基金的措施。
Under the new tax system, approved Sinoforeign joint funded banks and foreign banks established in special economic zones and Pudong New Area in Shanghai are exempt from business tax for five years, beginning from the day they open for business. 按照新的税制,经过批准设立在经济特区和上海浦东新区的中外合资银行和外国银行,从其开业之日起,五年内免收营业税。
On tax, new companies should be exempt from business rates, national insurance and corporation tax for the first three years, while employees in new companies should pay no tax on gains on share options. 就税收而言,初创企业应该在前三年免缴营业税、社会保险和企业所得税,同时初创企业的员工不应对股票期权收入缴税。
Exempt interest income earned locally from profits tax with immediate effect. 由即时起,在本地赚取的利息收入豁免缴交利得税。
Local average living space per capita should be exempt from the house property tax. 当地人均住房面积应该免征房产税。
Crimes that are exempt from capital punishment include tax fraud and "fraudulent activities involving financial bills". 废除死刑的犯罪包括骗税及涉及金融帐单的欺诈行为。
Please exercise control over the excessively expanding number of the exiles exempt from tax. 那些被流放者不用纳税,对他们数量的过度扩张,请加以控制。
Adjusted and improved hospital profit tax policy, exempt from business tax and additional; lower income tax rates; adopted special policies to specific uniform tax standards and methods. 4. 调整和完善营利性医院的税收政策,免征营业税及其附加;降低所得税税率;制定专门政策明确统一税收标准和办法。